Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Talking about the weather

As I walked across the yard to this evening's rehearsal, a middle-aged inmate was coming out of medical and walking the same way I was. I said, "Good evening." He, shyly? gruffly? said, "Good evening." I asked what he thought of the brisk wind we had all day, and he said, "I haven't seen a hurricane like this since I left Texas." I laughed and talked about the power being out at our house until noon yesterday. He talked about the two nights of major rain storms. He turned off at the B-side gate and we said good night. Then he stopped, turned, and in a clear, strong voice said, "Thank you." I stopped and asked, "For what?" He replied, "For talking to me like I was a human being." I didn't know how to reply. His comment was so simple and direct and powerful. I smiled and said, "Any time." If I allowed myself to cry inside prisons, I'd have cried for this man.

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